Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Kuch and my own UFO story

I'm deeply saddened by Dennis feeling he needed to abandon his White House bid. I know he is completely unelectable, but I for one love a guy who takes his own green tea out to breakfast, and then takes the teabag home to compost it. I'm not sure there's enough idealism in politics.

Danielle and I watched a documentary on Sargent Shriver last night on PBS, ain't no party like a Lakewood party...what a great man. I think people of my parents' generation realize that, but I think JFK and LBJ get a lot of credit in the history books that he deserved, and also that Dennis and Shriver are cut from the same cloth.

My mom and I talked about Obama's win in South Carolina this afternoon, and a bit about Dennis dropping out. Her candidate bowed out a few weeks ago (Dodd). My mom has funny fears about candidates and their electability (the spell checker says this isn't a real word, with the 'a' or an 'i'). I remember her worrying about Obama seeming like too good of an actor after he did a commercial for a football game a year ago which seemed as though it might have been his announcing his candidacy. Maybe a little more of real concern, she worried about the media talking about Dennis and UFO's forever.

When I was little, there were two types of kids in my neighborhood. Maybe not really types, but camps: G.I. Joe and He-Man. I couldn't respect anyone that liked He-Man, it didn't really help that most of those kids lived in houses that always smelled like their moms were cooking goulash in a crock pot. My bestfriend kind of road the fence, but at the time he was the best of the lot. I have a distinct memory of us lying on our backs in the field part of my elementary school's playground (he went to Catholic school), and seeing what I believed were dozens of UFOs. There weren't any lights, but they moved too quick to be planes or birds, and their movement wasn't of this world. Years later I would learn I probably had a case of vitreous detachment (a lot of eye floaters at once).

As for politics:

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