Thursday, May 1, 2008

A little piece of nonfiction (for Indiana and N.C. Democrats)

Our second home is the dog park, but this isn't really about dogs.

We love them (dogs), and we spend a couple evenings a week cooing over puppies, and trying to catch the action with our cellphone cameras that never take the picture quick enough.

Another thing about the dog park is that it brings together people who wouldn't otherwise ever meet. Lately, we've spent more time there talking to people our parents' and grandparents' age than our own. Some people show up in luxury SUVs, others in beaters missing hubcaps, but everyone has a common interest, and everyone talks.

I chatted with a guy wearing an Obama precinct captain pin a couple of weeks ago. Ohio is a swing state, but our home town is as blue as Vermont. Dennis Kuchinich is our Congressman, and he's loved here. This guy wasn't even a registered democrat until this year, and it turns out he put up six Obama volunteers for the week leading up to the Ohio primary, and he's now in Pennsylvania working to get out the vote. The guy's big issue is the war, and in particular, the $12,000,000,000.00 a month drain on the economy it is.

Health care is probably my number one issue, and truth be told, I've read great things about Hillary's plan. Among others, Elizabeth Edwards is a big supporter of Hillary's plan, though I don't believe she's endorsed either candidate. That said, we're supporting Barack.

We'd be happy to vote for Hillary in the general election, but not only do we think she'd have a tougher battle for the White House, but that if she was elected, it would likely be an administration of more gridlock and polarization. Our next president is going to have unprecedented challenges, and we need someone who has a chance of uniting and mending what is now a very fractured country.

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