Thursday, January 10, 2008


I'm fairly certain I finished my parts on the EP today...which included a punch-in on Love Poem to fix an out-of-time chord, and redoing the entire guitar part for the title track (it's a better title than song, but still a fine song).

I'm reading Geoff Emerick's book about recording The Beatles...he doesn't seem to care much for George, nor does he really respect GH's playing, which he refers to as 'ham-fisted' more than once. I think the same could be said of me, actually, I think 'guitarded' might be better.

We toyed with running some vocals through a Leslie, but after quite a bit of listening and scrutinizing, I'm not sure it's going to stick...on The Beatles theme, the idea was based on John's use of the spinning speakers on Tomorrow Never Knows.

Danielle is still recovering from a horrible Christmas sinus infection, but we're hoping she can record next week.

We saw Juno on Sunday, it was good. We've been quoting it a lot the last couple of days. Sonic Youth's cover of The Carpenter's Superstar is on the soundtrack...I've always loved the pedal piano notes on I decided to add a few (3) to a little transition...and they're grrrreat - maybe my favorite thing I did today. Metrosync has an old rebuilt Steinway grand that sounds huge.

I had higher hopes for my own singing...there is some chime to the recordings we did with our friend Bob in our living room that isn't there on these recordings, but then again there is a lot that can happen to them still...

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