If John McCain wants to spin this signature line from his speeches into some sort of comment on how innovative and productive the American worker is, rather than considering the fundamentals of the economy to be those measurable areas of it such as job creation, unemployment rates, inflation, let him.
But to John McCain, I ask this:
What does the American worker look like? Are you talking about the CEO getting millions of dollars in bonuses while their company posts record loses? Or are you talking about the everyday worker who makes a tiny fraction of a percent of what the CEO does?
John McCain, how many times have you voted against an increase in the minimum wage? (the answer is 19)
Are these minimum wage workers a fundamental of our economy? These workers, who with their families make up the 47,000,000+ Americans without health insurance?
Pardon me if I don't accept your campaigns' rhetoric that since no one can be turned away from an Emergency Room, we have Universal Health Care in this country.
Is it the fundamentally strong workers who are losing their homes in historic numbers (nearly 10,000 a week). And what about those who are in homes that have lost a quarter of their value or more under the same economic policies you subscribe to?
Perhaps the fundamentally strong workers are that top 1% who receives 36% of the Bush tax cuts that you want to make permanent.
As Dennis Kucinich said in Denver, Wake-Up America!
We're closing in on the deadline to register to vote (it's October 6th in Ohio).
Talk to a friend that's not registered, and make sure they do. Talk to a friend that doesn't care the least bit about politics and give the reasons why you think it's worth taking a few minutes to register and vote. This election is too important, and recent history shows us the difference of a few hundred votes is the difference between 8 years of Bush or a better America than what we have now.